The Research Circle continues its mission to collect, store, and share degrowth knowledge, ensuring it is accessible and applied to a broader audience. They take care of updating and maintaining the Degrowth Database (external link).
The Communications Circle enhances the network’s outreach by refining its communications strategy to engage with labour unions, social movements, and political parties, and expanding social media efforts (give us a follow on IG, Mastodon (external link) or LinkedIn (external link)!) Key projects have included the IDN's visual identity, our slogan, and managing the content of the IDN’s websites (check out our Explore Degrowth (external link) resource hub!).
The Global South Circle aims to increase involvement from Asia, Africa, and Latin America within the degrowth movement. They have developed a series of two Beyond Degrowth (external link) webinars, panels and interactive café-style chats. They have also created content that explores degrowth through a Global South lens, alongside workshops to teach effective communication of degrowth ideas.
The Transformative Learning Circle has developed a Transformative Learning for Degrowth Framework and is currently building a dynamic Playbook around it with specific resources, activities and processes that could be used in different cases and contexts.
The Practice Circle is focused on initiatives putting degrowth into practice. Currently, they split their work into the following pillars:
Associations and collectives that practice degrowth
Private businesses and cooperatives into degrowth
Policies and politics into degrowth
Personal degrowth lifestyles
The Activism Circle is organises the Global Degrowth Day (external link) and plans in-person meetings to further unite activists. It focuses on advocating for degrowth through campaigns, intersectional activism, and building strategic alliances.