Our Circles

The IDN is organized in many Circles, each of them with specific purpose, responsibilities and domain. Find out more about what Circles exist, what they do, and how they connect by exploring the diagram below.

We have Working Group Circles (in green on the diagram) that are organized by theme and Continental Circles (in red) that are organized by geographical region. We also have the Organising Circle (in blue) which helps the internal functioning of the IDN. Lastly, the General Circle (in purple) brings all the circles together and decides the strategy and aims of the IDN. Some Circles decide to create sub-circles to split up work into smaller teams. Two Circles “link” with each other via two individuals who belong to both Circles (double arrows).

The diagram below is dynamic: click on any circle to learn more about their purpose, responsibilities and domains. This structure is based on sociocracy, which you can learn more about here (external link).

Diagram showing IDN Circles

The image shows a diagram with interlinking circles. There is a general circle in the middle, and coming off the central circle are others named Organising, Global South, Transformative Learning, Practice, Communication - with the subcircles social media, website and narratives, research, activism, events and then six continental circles. 

A world where we collectively build an equitable future that prioritises happiness, wellbeing, and community — one in which all life thrives and regenerates within planetary boundaries.