Movimento Decrescita Felice - MDF

MDF is a plural and interconnected community of activists, practitioners, and researchers committed to Degrowth issues and, more generally, of all people who share the ideas, values and practices of the Movement. The Movement envisions and works for a world in which we collectively pursue the well-being of all living beings in harmony with the biophysical limits of the ecosystem. A world in which there is social justice and environmental sustainability, driven by interdependent, collaborative and inclusive communities and networks.

  • Location
    Venice Italy

Social Media


Working Languages

Italiano (Italian)


What are the main objectives of the group?

We are a plural and interconnected community of activists, practitioners, researchers, engaged in the themes of Degrowth and, more broadly, a community of all people sharing ideas, values and practices of the organization. We envision and work toward a world of social justice and environmental sustainability, driven by interdependent, collaborative and inclusive communities and networks. We research and promote SYSTEMIC CHANGE towards NEW PARADIGMS that are collaborative and oriented towards well-being. 

Where are you active geographically? (country/cities)

Located in Italy, this is a nationwide group with local groups in the following cities: Alba, Brescia, Cagliari, Cuneo, Lucca, Milano, Muggia, Padova, Livenza-Tagliamento, Roma, Salerno, Torino, Venezia, Verona.

Since when have you been active? 

The organization MDF was first created formally in 2007.

How many members are you? 

In last years the number of members was around 350 – 400.

How are you organized?

We are a registered association in Italy, and members are volunteers. The association has a national council, and it is diffused on territory through local groups. Every year we meet in a national assembly where we practice conviviality, discuss our activities, plan future strategies, meet and exchange good practices. We are organized geographically in local groups and transversally in thematic working groups (Bike Tour, Communication, Education, International, Spirituality, Territorial Development, Transition).

Main events/actions carried out

During the last year, the main activities carried out at the national level were:

  • Co-organization of the Conference Beyond Growth Italia 2024

  • Organizing a regional Bike Tour every summer since 2015, to meet local communities and organisations

  • Editing and publishing “Virgilia e la decrescita felice” a comic book to explain Degrowth

  • Organizing a Festival of small independent editors

  • Participating in IDN

  • Preparing materials on how to talk about degrowth in schools

  • Organizing webinars on transition

Local groups organize many events and activities, such as: self-production, repair days, community gardening, km0 markets, movie/docu screenings, swap parties, talks on Degrowth, convivial activities.

Plans for the future

Next projects foreseen at the national level are:

  • Presentation of a research on Degrowth in the imaginary and practices in the Italian context, conducted with Associazione Decrescita, at the International Assembly of the Degrowth Movement in Pontevedra

  • Organization the Bike Tour 2024

  • Participation in the organization of the Licheni Festival

  • Definition a new communication strategy

  • Organization of webinars on Degrowth and feminism

  • Support to existent and new local groups

  • Creation and consolidation of alliances with other Italian organisations

Connections with IDN: 

Marta Domini

Group photo: National Assembly 2024, Rome, IT